Cool Cats πŸ†’πŸ±

If you are here, we bet you already know Cool Cats. In case you don't, don't waste a second and look for a way to join what could easily be the best NFT project and community out there! You will not want to miss this.

We'll let you have a quick look at some of our Cool Cats. But don't fall in love, they are not for sale...

Pixel Cool Cats πŸ‘ΎπŸ†’πŸ±

Now you already know Cool Cats. That's a good starting point. But did you know that Cool Cats do not need 1.166.400 pixels to be cool? They just need 2.304 pixels.

Pixel Cool Cats will be your favorite Cool Cats derivative project. We have been able to extract the essence of each of the cats and create the simplest and cutest of their versions. And all that with just 48x48 pixels. Crypto Punks are 24x24, but we cats are twice are cool, aren't we?

Check out the full collection of commissioned derivatives in OpenSea.


Because #WeLoveTheCats.

Pixel Cool Cats is an independent project that is not affiliated with the original team. However, before making it a reality, we reached out to the creators and asked for their opinion and permission to move on with our on-demand 1/1 derivative project. Because Cool Cats are the only original Cool Cats, and they will always be, and we wanted to respect that.

We love them, the community loves them, Mike Tyson loves them, and this project is just a way to pay homage to them, to the cats, to all of us.


No algorithms, no photo editing, no filters, no image down-sampling... We just got our hands dirty. We hand-draw the traits of the cats, and then we can combine them to bring to life any Cool Cat in existence.

There's only one "but". As the official website states: